Job safety analysis or JSA involves practices that train workers perform their work tasks safely and responsibly. Working with JSA and Intrinsically Safe Equipment can help you improve your productivity at work. To understand how this is practical, think about a swimmer athlete, they have training for develops their abilities but they also use equipment to increase their swim performance, like the underwater glasses and the special fabric of their swimsuits. We can compare that with the JSA training and the Intrinsically safe Equipment, both can improve your work. Let’s see some examples in this post.

Job safety analysis

Some jobs involve tasks of danger or exposure that directly and indirectly harm the workers involved. So, the safety of the employees is always the primary concern. The JSA is an excellent training practice that helps all company members, from the CEO to the newest employee. The safety analysis predicts possible accidents and helps in the best development of the assigned task, listing the hazards according to their level of danger. It also improves communication and security awareness among everyone who participates in the company’s tasks.

Some jobs, more than others, require more attention to safety training. Therefore, working in hazardous areas requires training and appropriate equipment. Intrinsically Safe Equipment is made to resist risky environments and provide safety for the user. Below are some examples of work areas that require proper training and equipment.

  • Work in confined spaces
  • Construction 
  • Work with toxic material 
  • Flammable environment
  • Exposure to electrical circuits
  • Use of industrial machines

Intrinsically safe equipment

If your job involves the practices listed above, then you probably know the importance of training and the correct use of your work equipment. Combining JSA training with intrinsically safe equipment is a great work strategy that will result in safety operations.  To develop this method, the first thing to do is, of course, identify through analysis what the hazards are, and for that, there is a list of essential points that help in the identification. Some of them are:

While performing assigned tasks or in their working environment…

  • Are there machines or tools that present danger or constant maintenance?
  • The Intrinsically safe equipment provided for the job?
  • Is exposure to toxic, hot, cold, or acidic products?
  • There is a free-traffic corridor that provides an emergency exit?
  • What is the regularity of accidents in this work task?
  • Is the worker have the proper lighting to develop the task?

These are just some of the points that should prioritize. Through the analysis, it is already possible to understand how thorough this safety research must be. Then, after defining the best safety strategy for your team, you can add intrinsically safe equipment as needed.

Below is an example of how this list might work:

How JSA and Intrinsically safe equipment help you in your workspace

Results: Better Performance!

Considering the example above, we can see how the analysis and strategy of JSA and Intrinsic safety facilitate the development of tasks. To make this process even more practical, the security management team can use technical table templates that specify the steps of the work task. Let’s take back the example of the swimmer athlete: you know they have the abilities and the training to hit the records, but imagine how their performance with the accessories and equipment will be. So if you want to hit your best performance, take all the increases you have on hand!


In addition to equipping yourself with the appropriate PPE, the intrinsically safe equipment is already designed for hazardous work, such as CCTV Cameras, Headlamps, Gas Detectors, Ex-Proof Pumps, and even Intrinsically safe cell phones. Those equipment and many others are part of the Intrinsically Safe Store sales catalog. You will find everything you need to ensure your safety method is complete.

Finally, understanding that safety comes first can make it easier and save your life! So take steps to improve your safety at the Intrinsically Safe Store. Trust our experts to give you all the help you need to find the best equipment for you. We are ready to address your priorities!